Famous Movie Quotes

"Yeah, but John, if the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists." - Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) Jurassic Park

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

84 - "My Life" (1993)

     While many people have seen the previous film on my list, I have a feeling that very few people have seen this movie. I remember seeing My Life in the theater on opening weekend and I think there was me and maybe 10 other people in the audience. This was not a blockbuster. But the people that were there, I don't think one of them left with a dry eye, including the guys. This is a film that I think you are either going to love or going to hate. I don't think there's much middle ground. And I will understand people that don't connect with it and dislike it. But those that do connect with it on an emotional level I think will find a hidden gem for their film libraries. The movie stars Michael Keaton as Bob Jones, and ad executive who has terminal cancer and knows he has only a short time to live. His wife Gail, portrayed by Nicole Kidman, is pregnant with their first child, a boy. Since Bob knows he will not be around, he starts videotaping his life so his son will have some sort of record of who his father was. That's pretty much the premise of the film in a nutshell. What follows is an emotional journey where Bob has just one final wish, he wants to see his son born. I won't go into too much the rest of the way because this movie is best experienced first hand. I did connect with this movie unlike some and what is there is such a touching story that I bought into it hook, line and sinker. The movie is very heavy on sentiment, don't watch it without a box of tissue. I encourage you to give this movie a try if you haven't seen it. You may be very surprised.


Unknown said...

Hi, i saw this when it came out and has always been one of my favorite movies, now that i have children it resonates even more with me and the unbelievably great performances by Keaton and Kidd

Mickster said...

I couldn't agree with you more. Thanks for commenting.