Famous Movie Quotes

"Yeah, but John, if the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists." - Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) Jurassic Park

Thursday, May 19, 2011

75 - "Schindler's List" (1993)

     This was one of the more difficult decisions I had when making the list. I have stated that I don't necessarily think these are the "best" movies ever made but more these are my "favorite" movies. That caveat lead me to a decision to make when it came to Schindler's List because I have only seen this movie once all the way through and really don't know if I will get around to watching it again. Schindler's List is a very difficult movie to watch due to the subject matter but at the same time I cannot let go of the fact that rarely have I been moved so emotionally the way I was when watching this the first time. It's one of the few movies out there that not only do I recommend people see it, but I think it should almost be required viewing. We should never forget what happened to the Jews at the hands of the Nazis during World War II. Schindler's List stars Liam Neeson as Oskar Schindler, a Nazi sympathizer and greedy businessman who has a change of heart in his beliefs when he sees Jewish people being brutally murdered by Nazi soldiers. He starts using his factories to employ Jews which will keep them out of the concentration camps. He has a Jewish accountant named Itzhak Stern, played wonderfully by Ben Kingsley, who assists Oskar in his humanitarian efforts. Ultimately Oskar saves the lives of approximately 1100 Jews who almost certainly would have been condemned to death at Auschwitz or other death camps. Schindler's List is a powerful, great film but many will find it hard to watch. It was directed by Steven Spielberg and is about 99% black-and-white which works perfectly here. This movie would not have the same feel in color, I truly believe that. Ralph Fiennes portrays Nazi leader Amon Goeth and I will always consider his role one of the most villainous in cinema history. If you've ever put off watching this film, I will understand but I would also encourage you to find some time to work it in one day. Like I said, I think it's a movie everybody should see.

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