Famous Movie Quotes

"Yeah, but John, if the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists." - Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) Jurassic Park

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

67 - "Father of the Bride" (1991)

     Father of the Bride is one of those movies that seems to be on the tube all the time, usually on basic cable or channels like Encore. Even though it's on quite often, whenever I run across it I always have to stop and watch for a little bit but I usually end up watching through to the end. It's a movie that just makes me happy. I find it very funny of course but also it has a great heart at its core that takes it to that extra level. Steven Martin plays George Banks, the father of the film, and his daughter Annie (Kimberly Williams) has just returned from school overseas. He's excited to have her back in the house until she hits him with the news that she met a guy in France and now they are going to be married. This news sets George up for the most stressful time in his life and gives us the basis for the story as the wedding plans begin to unfold and it feels like everyone is tugging at George's wallet. Steve Martin is always funny but he seems to be at his comic best when he is in a manic state and he reaches that point several times in the film. Diane Keaton is Nina, George's wife and provides the buffer that George needs to keep from going crazy. Martin Short shows up in a scene-stealing role as Franck, the wedding coordinator. Father of the Bride is one of the funniest films I have ever seen and is my personal favorite of all of Steve Martin's many roles.


JustMe said...

Not a movie I expected to be on this list. Decent, but again, not on my top "ten".

Mickster said...

I thought this would be the type of movie you'd be all over.