Famous Movie Quotes

"Yeah, but John, if the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists." - Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) Jurassic Park

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Thoughts on the upcoming Harry Potter marathon

     Now that I got my top 100 films out of the way, It's time to move on to other reviews and projects. That starts tomorrow when I will be attending the Harry Potter movie marathon, presented by AMC Theatres. They are showing all 8 movies over a 4-night period, with 2 movies each night. It culminates on Thursday at midnight with the release of the newest film. I'm really excited about this opportunity, yet I'm worried about it too. My exposure to the Harry Potter universe is very limited. I have not read any of the books and I've only seen parts of the first movie. I've tried to watch it twice but haven't been able to finish it either time. It just didn't hook me like I thought it would. There were things about it I liked but the pacing was just off for me for some reason. So, if I didn't care for the first movie, why am I committing myself to watching all 8 films?! It's a good question.
     I guess I'm giving it a shot for a few different reasons. The marathon portion of it doesn't scare me that much. I've done the Best Picture Showcase with AMC the past few years so this won't be the first time having my butt glued to a theater seat for a long period of time. I also believe I'm getting a decent deal for seeing 8 movies in a theater. The price was only $40 and that includes all 8 pictures, along with a commemorative booklet, lanyard, and special Harry Potter 3-D glasses for viewing the final film. Hey, I'm all for freebies. I think that's quite a bit for $40. Probably the biggest reason is the fact that I do WANT to like this series. The two times I've tried watching the first film, I was home both times and there are a lot of distractions while at home. So if my mind ever starts to wander, it's too easy to pick up the the computer or something like that. At a theater, I should be a little more attentive, especially during a slower time in the movie. I'll be more invested in it. Hopefully I will like the first film better on the big screen and that will get me hooked in for the long run.
     I do fear though that I will not like it, and this will be $40 down the drain. Either way, it will be fun to take the chance and do some blogging about it. I'm looking forward to the experience, good or bad, and I hope you will come along with me for the journey. 

1 comment:

JustMe said...

I wish I were there to watch these with you. I love the first one, liked the second one, and then the rest kinda dwindled down for me. I haven't even see the first half of book 7's movie. I can't wait to see what you think of these movies.