Famous Movie Quotes

"Yeah, but John, if the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists." - Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) Jurassic Park

Sunday, July 3, 2011

16 - "The Bodyguard" (1992)

     Yes, this movie is heavily criticized. Yes, it was nominated for a handful of Razzies (the anti-Oscars). No, I don't care. I love this movie and will continue to back it. Kevin Costner is Frank Farmer, a retired Secret Service agent who takes on the occasional personal protection job, but enjoys his time alone. He is approached one day about protecting Rachel Marron (Whitney Houston), a musical superstar who is being stalked and has recently had an attack that risked her life. Farmer doesn't want the job at first but reluctantly agrees to take it on. Things do not start out well as he and Rachel clash constantly on the best way to handle things. She eventually comes around to his ways though when another attempt is made on her life and Frank rescues her. He earns her trust and slowly a relationship starts to develop between the two, even though Frank knows this is a mistake. You should never get involved with your clients. As the threats continue, eventually targeted at Rachel's family, Frank becomes concerned that this is not just a simple deranged but perhaps someone more specialized. Costner and Whitney Houston both do a fine job in their respective roles. Houston's singing also provides much of the soundtrack to the film and what a great track it is. It's one of the movies that really benefits from its music. I know this movie isn't for everyone and it could be criticized for being on my list, especially this high. But there's just something about it that I bought into and I think it makes for a great thriller.

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