Famous Movie Quotes

"Yeah, but John, if the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists." - Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) Jurassic Park

Saturday, July 2, 2011

22 - "Good Will Hunting" (1997)

      Back in April, I did a full movie review of Good Will Hunting so please go back and read that to get my full thoughts on this wonderful film. I won't talk about it too much here but I just want to re-emphasize the great acting in this movie by Matt Damon and Robin Williams. I've never been a huge fan of Williams in his zany roles because I know how truly great of an actor he is when he does something like this. The scene outside in the park, after Will (Damon) and Sean's (Williams) first meeting, is acting 101 delivered courtesy of Robin Williams. He is matched scene for scene however by Damon, one of my favorite actors going today. The next time you watch this movie, pay close attention to the scenes where both of these actors are together and you can see how well they worked together and fed off each other. The final scene, which has been unfairly mocked as I mentioned previously, is a highlight on both of their resumes..."It's not your fault."...Put yourself in the shoes of someone who truly had a past like Will's and maybe those words shouldn't be mocked. I think it's a highly impactful moment and caps this movie off perfectly.

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