Famous Movie Quotes

"Yeah, but John, if the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists." - Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) Jurassic Park

Saturday, July 9, 2011

2 - "The Shawshank Redemption" (1994)

     The Shawshank Redemption is a film that many people probably have high on their lists as well, especially guys. It is widely considered by movie fans as one of the greatest films ever made. What's ironic about that is that NOBODY saw this movie in the theaters. Well, a few people did, including me (multiple times), but it certainly didn't attract the masses. Made on a budget of $25 million, the movie went on to make only $28 million in its entire run. It was never in the top 5 for any week it was out. It is believed by some industry "experts" that the ambiguous title of the movie scared people away. Being a huge Stephen King fan, I knew right away what the movie was about when I saw it was being made. The movie is based on a novella by King, in his Different Seasons book, called "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption". (This book also gave us "The Body", which became the movie Stand By Me. Also on my list). So Shawshank was not popular with the movie crowd, but when it hit home video, it became one of the most rented films of all-time. The word-of-mouth started spreading and the movies popularity grew, and continues to grow to this day. It is rated the number 1 movie by users on IMDB.
     The movie takes primarily in fictitious Shawshank prison in Maine. Morgan Freeman is Red, a lifer in the prison due to his murder conviction when he was a younger man. Red is the guy in prison who get things for you from the outside. Whatever it is; cigarettes, playing cards, posters, Red can get it for you, for a small fee of course. He and his prison buddies hang out in the yard everyday, placing cigarette bets on anything they can think of. They even bet on the new prisoners when they arrive, to see which one will break down and cry first. Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) is one of these new prisoners. It's 1946, and Andy, who is a banker, has been found guilty of murdering his wife and her lover, and sentenced to life in prison. We know that Andy is actually innocent, due to a prologue in the film. Red bets Andy will be the first to break down, but that whole night, Andy never makes a peep. One guy does break down and is beaten to death by the brutal head prison guard Hadley (Clancy Brown). He rules the prison, overlooked by the warden Sam Norton (Bob Gunton). Andy keeps to himself at first, but eventually he approaches Red and they start to talk. Over time the two start to develop a friendship that last through many years in the prison.
      I will stop there with the plot summary. Most people have probably seen this movie, but if you haven't you deserve to witness the movies many surprises without being spoiled. The Shawshank Redemption is a great film, touching on themes of hope and freedom. No matter how strong the walls are holding us hostage, hope is the one thing people can't take away. This idea carries throughout the movie with the Andy character. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman are both at their absolute best here. The chemistry the duo has together is perfect. In the book, Red's character is not black, but this is one instance where the movie works better than the book. Freeman as Red provides the narration for our film and he is the glue that holds everything together. The movie wouldn't be the same without him. Even though it is not number one on my list, I think The Shawshank Redemption is the greatest job of film-making ever.


JustMe said...

I knew this one. Duh. I think this is my number 1 movie. ... then again, my number 1 movie is similar to my top ten where there are a couple more on it. LOL! Yeah, I'm a dork. :-)

JustMe said...

"No matter how strong the walls are holding us hostage, hope is the one thing people can't take away."

With all that's been on my mind lately, this sentence hit home.

Mickster said...

The movie has such a great message, wrapped inside of a prison movie. A true classic.