Famous Movie Quotes

"Yeah, but John, if the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists." - Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) Jurassic Park

Sunday, June 19, 2011

52 - "United 93" (2006)

    September 11, 2001 is a day that will always be remembered in the history of our country. It will not only be remembered for the destruction, and loss of life, that was caused by terrorist members but it will also be remembered as a time when Americans rallied around each other and our country. Something that should happen way more often, but unfortunately doesn't. One story from that day that gives us all hope is what happened to the passengers and crew members of United flight 93. Upon hearing that three other planes have crashed into national landmarks, the people aboard start to realize that their hijacked plane is heading towards a similar fate. Instead of sitting back and waiting to see what happens, they band together and come up with a plan to overtake the terrorists. We all know what happens as a result, the plane crashes killing all aboard, but a symbol of our freedom (likely the Capitol building) is spared from destruction. The Americans aboard that plane are heroes and should always be remembered in that way. Paul Greengrass directed this film which tries to piece together all the information we have about the flight and the passengers. It is told in real time which works very well for this story. United 93 is obviously not an easy movie to watch as it will stir up emotions of that day for many people. But I would recommend it to everyone for just that reason. We should not forget the events of that day and the feelings we had for our country, and each other. We need more of that. It also helps that from an actual film standpoint, this movie is very well made. I highly recommend it.

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