Famous Movie Quotes

"Yeah, but John, if the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists." - Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) Jurassic Park

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

48 - "Caddyshack" (1980)

     It's the snobs versus the slobs in one of the great comedies of all time. Caddyshack is one of those movies that can be categorized as a "guys" movie. If you get a bunch of guys together and they start talking about movies, sports or golf, it's only a matter of time before someone quotes a line from Caddyshack. The movie focuses on a caddy name Danny (Michael O'Keefe) who aims to go to college so he doesn't have to work menial jobs in the local lumber yard. To do that, he tries to kiss up to some of the snobbish members of Bushwood Country Club, the course that he caddies at. The biggest of these snobs is Judge Smails, portrayed by the great Ted Knight. The club is full of other random characters such as Carl (Bill Murray), the greens keeper who is in a war with a pesky rodent. Ty Webb (Chevy Chase) is a rich businessman who has a zen-like philosophy on life and seems to take nothing seriously. There's Dr. Beeper and Bishop Bickering who often can be found playing a round with Judge Smails. And who can forget Al Czervik (Rodney Dangerfield), a slob who wants to buy Bushwood and turn it into a place to put condos. Caddyshack is simply one of the funniest films ever made and kicked off the wonderful decade of the 80's in style.

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