Famous Movie Quotes

"Yeah, but John, if the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists." - Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) Jurassic Park

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Movie Review - "Take Shelter" (2011) ****1/2

    Wow. Oscar you really dropped the ball on this one. How did this movie go unnoticed by the Academy?? If not for Best Picture, definitely for Best Actor. Oh well, I guess it's not the first time and won't be the last time that happens. Regardless, this was a movie that I had heard some buzz about late in the year but for various reasons didn't get around to watching until after the Oscars broadcast. I'm delighted that I did because this is a stunning film that had me mesmerized from the start and for a good portion of the movie I was feeling a potential five-star movie here. I settled for a half star deduction for some very minor reasons, namely the ending which I won't go into details about. I wasn't disappointed with it...I just don't know that it was necessary. I'll leave it at that.

     I don't want to go into the plot too much because this is one of those films that I think is more enjoyable if you just jump in and go with it. The less you know the better off you will be, that's just my opinion. Michael Shannon stars as Curtis LaForche as a construction worker in rural Ohio who lives on a farm with his wife Samantha (Jessica Chastain) and their deaf 6-year old daughter Hannah (Tova Stewart). The special needs required by Hannah has put a lot of strain on the family but they are very loving and supportive of each other and do their best to make day-to-day life work. Curtis's side of the family has a history of mental illness and we see that his mother (Kathy Baker) is actually living in an institution suffering from schizophrenia. Curtis begins to have bad dreams about an approaching, apocalyptic storm and the dreams seem to materialize in reality in the form of clouds appearing on the distant horizon. Curtis becomes convinced that a storm is imminent and begins constructing a large add-on to the storm shelter in his back yard. Despite criticism from his wife, best friend, and community members, Curtis proceeds with his plan unfazed in a move that will test the bond between Curtis and his wife.

     There is much more to the story than this, but like I said, this movie is best experienced with minimal knowledge beforehand. The film was written and directed by Jeff Nichols and Jessica Chastain has proven to be a talented actress, but this is a Michael Shannon showcase. He gives a powerful performance that should have earned him a Best Actor nomination. There is a scene where he has an outburst at a community function that is terrifying in its realism. It truly is one of the best performances not only of this year, but in several years. The tenstion in this movie builds slowly, yet methodically. If you are patient with it, I fell you will be rewarded. If you are looking for something to put in your Netflix queue or grab out of a local Redbox, if Take Shelter is available I highly suggest you give it consideration.

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