Famous Movie Quotes

"Yeah, but John, if the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists." - Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) Jurassic Park

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

95 - "Ghost" (1990)

     I might take a little ribbing for this one but that's okay, I really enjoy the movie Ghost. I bought into it hook, line and sinker. Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore star as Sam and Molly, a happy couple who are returning from a date one night when Sam is murdered in an alleyway. As Molly mourns the loss, Sam is stuck in a ghost form because he is not ready to "move on". Here he learns that his murder was not just a random coincidence but was planned by someone he considered a friend. He tries to warn Molly about this news but he cannot communicate with her directly. In steps Best Supporting Actress Oscar winner Whoopi Goldberg as a "psychic" who frauds clients out of their money by claiming she can communicate with lost relatives. There's a catch though, she can actually hear Sam. When Sam realizes this he uses Oda Mae, Goldberg's character, to communicate with Molly who is skeptical at first but eventually realizes the danger she is in. Ghost usually gets labeled a "chick flick" but I completely disagree with that labeling in this case. Yeah there are some sappy parts but there is more action than you might initially realize and the suspense is well played at times. Whoopi Goldberg provides some comic relief and was deserving of her Oscar win for this role. Oh yeah, there is also the pottery scene...


Peggy Shadrick said...

I agree that this was awesome. Of course, I am a chick! LOL

Mickster said...

Thanks for checking things out and leaving a comment Peggy. I truly appreciate it.