Famous Movie Quotes

"Yeah, but John, if the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists." - Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) Jurassic Park

Monday, April 25, 2011

100 Favorite Films Of All-Time - How I Got There

     Well, I wanted to do a big project to give my blog a kick and make something that people would want to come back and check out. Back in the late 90's I actually got crazy enough and came up with my list of the 100 films that I enjoyed the most. It was a big task but it was fun doing it. So I decided to give it a try again as a big project for this blog. I knew it would take some time and it did. I started by going on Wikipedia year by year and looking at every film that was released each year. This was a daunting task to say the least and took several days to accomplish. I pulled out and made a list of any film that I thought had even a slight chance to make it. I initially ended up with a list of 170 and started paring down from there. It was easy to cut the first 20 or so but after that I had to start making some tough decisions. When I got down to 110, I was really splitting hairs but ultimately I did get it narrowed down to 100. Then I proceeded to rank them which was a whole new level of difficulty. What I ended up with is my 100 favorite films of all-time. Some notes regarding the list:
     1. The main thing to remember about the list is it is strictly my opinion and is not to be taken seriously. These are movies that I really enjoyed and think you might as well if you give them a chance. That's why I am not calling this the 100 Best Movies of All-Time. Are there films out there that are better than stuff on my list? Absolutely. I'm sure there are. I've seen a small, minute fraction of movies that have been released. So please take it with a grain of salt.
     2. This list is VERY heavy with movies released in the 1980's and 1990's. There are only a handful of films on my list that were released prior to 1970. I know this will be blasphemous to some people but refer back to note number one if you have any issues. The reason there so many films from these 2 decades actually makes perfect sense....These are the times when I saw the most movies. Pure and simple. The more movies you see, the better chance one has of making the list. I lived in theaters in the 90's and saw just about everything major that came out. My exposure to movies from the "Golden Age" is very limited, hence the list being very modern. Also, I stopped at 2010, so there will be nothing from the current year in the list but it will be interesting to see if anything can crack the list down the line. I hope so, that will keep my faith in movies alive.
     3. I did not list sequels. That would have made things even more difficult. If a movie on my list has a sequel worth mentioning, I will put it in the review. Yes, this is a way of cheating a bit since it's "technically" more than 100 movies, but what can you do. It's just for fun.
     4. The reviews will be just mini reviews. Some of these movies I will eventually get around to doing full reviews for later on but for the purposes of this list I will keep it short.
     5. When it comes to the rankings part, this is another thing to take with a grain of salt. Is there really going to be much difference between movie number 62 and 79? No, not really. I gave it a legitimate effort to put them in order but these are all movies that I would consider 4 or 5 star movies. The cut off line seems to be in around the 30 range. Anything above that give or take is a 5 star film, anything below is a 4 star film using my ratings system. Plus the 70 movies I cut would probably all make the 4 star list, 3 1/2 stars at worst.
     6. I plan to keep this list and update it as need be. My opinions on some movies have changed over time, and therefore the list might as well. I remember the first time I saw Pulp Fiction, I hated it. Then years later I saw it again and got a better appreciation for it. Then I started seeing it more and more and it grew on me. Did it make the list? Spoiler alert: No it didn't, but it was one of the last films cut. But if you would have asked if it was even possible after seeing it the first time I would have called you crazy. So things do change as some movies gain appreciation, and vice versa, over time.

Anyways, that's the deal. I will probably release one or two movies at a time in countdown form. Hopefully, that will give it some suspense (What will be next??) I hope you enjoy it at least. Feel free to leave comments. Tell me I'm crazy for putting a certain movie on the list, just keep it clean. Remember these are opinions. If you find a movie on the list you totally agree with, let me know that too. I look forward to the ride and I hope you enjoy it.


JustMe said...

I've got some catching up to do, but I'm LOVING this idea!

Mickster said...

Cool beans!!

JustMe said...

When you are all done with the individual blogs, I'd love a "statistics blog". You know -all the movies in one list, how many times each actor/actress showed up, directors, etc. It's an organization thing and I'm a geek so please humor me. :-)

Mickster said...

Me and you think so much alike. I have thought about doing something very similar to this. Stay tuned.

JustMe said...

Thinking like you could be good or bad...

spaghettios for a year?
