Famous Movie Quotes

"Yeah, but John, if the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists." - Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) Jurassic Park

Friday, August 10, 2012

Movie Review - "The Sitter" (2011) 1/2 star

     Why Jonah Hill? Why? I sang your praises so much in Moneyball and felt you were by far deserving of the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for that performance. It was brilliant and I want to see more of it. But then you go off and do something like The Sitter and it's such a waste of talent. Leave this dreck for the likes of Adam Sandler and others of his kind. I'm not going to do a full review of this movie, I just don't have the desire. Jonah Hill stars as a slacker who ends up having to babysit three kids and the foursome end up running around the streets evading drug dealers just so Hill can get to his girlfriend for a booty call. Yes, that's the plot summary. It's as mindless as it sounds. It could have been somewhat interesting, a cult film the likes of Adventures in Babysitting, but no, that's not the case. It's way too raunchy for kids to see even though that's who it should be targeted to. It's just a mess pure and simple and I could have gone with it had it been funny. I like raunchy when it's funny. But it's not, instead it's very boring. I'm not even sure why I'm giving this even a half star. I guess I just like to save my No Star reviews for a special kind of film. This is close. At least it's quick and finished in under an hour and a half. So for that, it gets a half star. Skip this people.

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