Famous Movie Quotes

"Yeah, but John, if the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists." - Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) Jurassic Park

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Movie Review - "Paul" (2011) *

    If anything looked like a sure thing for me, it was this movie. Strong reviews and word-of-mouth...Check. A comedy about sci-fi geeks on a road trip...Check. A smart aleck alien....Check. Lots of pop culture references...Check. Everything about this movie seemed to lead to a finished product that I would really enjoy. Unfortunately, this was a complete miss for me.

     The film stars Simon Pegg and Nick Frost as Graeme and Clive, two British sci-fi fans who have traveled to the states for the annual San Diego Comic Con. While here, they decide to take a road trip and visit the UFO heartland of America. On their travels they encounter the real thing, an alien named Paul who has escaped from government captivity and is on the run. The duo is amused by the wisecracking Paul and eventually they agree to help him get back to his mother ship. They are being pursued by government agents, most notably Agent Zoil who is portrayed by the always enjoyable Jason Bateman. Along the way, the trio accidentally ends up kidnapping Ruth (Kristen Wiig), the daughter of a fanatical man who also is in pursuit of the group. Can Graeme and Clive get Paul back home before the government catches them?

     I'm not really sure what to tell you about this movie. I was never pulled in at all and only Jason Bateman piqued my interest at all. I've read reviews and heard people say how funny this movie is, and I don't know if it's a British humor thing that I don't get or what, but I do not remember laughing during this movie. I may have smirked once or twice as I picked up on some of the pop culture references, but never once did I laugh out loud. If I did, I don't remember it. All I remember is being bored out of my mind and wanting the movie to end quickly. I cannot recommend this in any way.

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