Famous Movie Quotes

"Yeah, but John, if the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists." - Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) Jurassic Park

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Introduction to the Mind of Mickster

Hello. Welcome to my initial blog in what will hopefully become something long term. I have to admit I am fairly new to this but I'm excited about getting started. What led me to start this in the first place? Well, I have a big time love for movies in general and after posting lots of movie thoughts and reviews on Facebook, it was suggested that I start a blog where I'm not limited by the number of words I can use. I was hesitant at first but after putting some thought into it, I figured why not give it a shot. I would like to personally thank my very close friend Regenia Spangler who was instrumental in pushing me to do this. So if it stinks, you can blame her!! I love you girl.

 So what do I want this to be? Well, I will obviously post movie reviews on here, that's a given. But I would also like to turn it into a place where I can just post random thoughts about a specific movie or a general theme in movies. I might post about a specific actor or actress, or a certain genre of movies and what they mean to me. I'm sure it will develop over time but I don't want it to be simply a movie review blog. I hope that some of my blogs may inspire discussion about movies. That would be the ultimate goal of this for me. I can sit around all day and talk about movies that I love and if I get to do that more often, then that's wonderful.

Here is what my blog will NOT be. I am not a journalist or a professional writer by any means. I'm just an ordinary, everyday guy going about his life. I just happen to love watching movies. So if you are looking for something super-intellectual, it's not going to be here. I can send you to any number of respected film critics and you will get much better quality. Roger Ebert is my personal favorite, I love his writing style, but I am not him. I can't even aspire to write like he does. People like him can look deep into a film and see stuff that I can't. I'm just not that knowledgeable about the film-making process. This will be kept simple. Also, I refuse to compromise my thoughts to appeal to the masses. I think too many times, people will say they like something just so they can be a part of the majority. I can't do that and I refuse to do that. Here's an example, I fully respect the place in history that a film like Gone With The Wind has. I have seen it, once, and thought it was a fine movie......You won't find it anywhere NEAR a top 100 film list for me. I saw it, it was okay, I don't have much desire to see it again. Maybe one day. But I'm not going to say it's one of the great films of all time just because the "critical masses" do. That's what I mean. I hope people can respect that.

So that's what I want this blog to be, and not to be. If it sounds like something you would like to read further, I invite you to check back on a regular basis. Please leave comments and let me know what you like or don't like. If you have any ideas, I'm all ears. I'm not sure what I want this to look like and I will grow along with it. I would love it if you came along for the ride.



JustMe said...

I am here for the long haul. And I'll take any blame coming (love you, too, Mickey), but I suspect this will be a nice blog to add to my catalog of frequently read blogs.

"I think too many times, people will say they like something just so they can be a part of the majority."
THANK YOU for that! ... FYI, I did NOT like Avatar. What the heck was all the hype for? Stupid story with blue people.

JustMe said...

Your poll off to the side is missing the genre "romantic comedy" AKA "chick flick". That's MY favorite genre. :-)

Mickster said...
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Mickster said...

Just curious, did you see Avatar in 3D? I saw it in the theater in 3D and really enjoyed it. Later when I saw it on a regular tv screen, I still liked it but it didn't connect with me as much. So I was curious which version you saw.